Introduction to Linux Administration Lab 4 – RAID & LVM Points : 20 1.Create 3 partitions of sizes 50MB, 75MB, 90MB to combine into a RAID-0 array. 2.Create the RAID and make sure it is running when the machine is re-booted. Remember the order of the commands: fdisk partprobe mdadm –create /etc/mdadm.conf mdadm -As mdadm -S mke2fs mkdir mount /etc/fstab 3.Create 2 partitions of size 100MB and 150MB to create a logical volume. 4.Create the logical volume and make sure it is active when the machine is re-booted. Make the logical volume 200MB. Remember the order of the commands: fdisk partprobe pvcreate vgscan vgcreate vgdisplay lvcreate mke2fs mkdir /etc/fstab mount 5.Increase the size of the drive to 250MB. lvextend